
I’m Jess — a licensed mental health counselor, wellness coach, and full-time entrepreneur living in NYC who’s on a mission to help others live healthy, fulfilling and authentic lives.

I know what it’s like to have limiting beliefs, anxiety, fear, insecurity and lack of motivation and clarity. I also know what it’s like to overcome those things, to step out of your comfort zone and to watch yourself grow and even thrive because of it.

After graduating with my master’s degree in mental health & wellness counseling, I spent 6 years doing work that I enjoyed, but I eventually came to resent the 9-5 grind, working toward someone else’s goals and not feeling challenged, valued or supported.

About 3 years in, I started my own part-time private therapy practice that immediately took off and have maintained an active caseload ever since. This is the work that felt meaningful and fulfilling to me and while my heart was so invested in it, I let fear, limiting beliefs, and outside opinions make me feel like it was too risky to lose the stability of a full-time, 9-5 income and benefits to pursue it full-time. Consequently, I spent the next 2 years burned out, depressed, anxious and overwhelmed and my relationships with others and with myself struggled because of it.

Knowing I needed a change, I spent a year diving into personal development, building up my self-esteem, stepping out of my comfort zone, finding and immersing myself in a supportive community and gaining clarity about who I was and what I truly wanted for myself vs. what I thought I was supposed to want or what others wanted for me.

During that same year, I developed a detailed plan to leave my 9-5 job to become a full-time entrepreneur in 12 months. That detailed plan in combination with my new mindset allowed me to leave my full-time job a month before I intended to, surpass my corporate income in my first year of being solely self-employed, and to feel more confident and successful than I ever could’ve imagined.

I now own several businesses, have achieved all of my personal benchmarks in all of them, feel more confident and excited about the future than ever, and am truly functioning as my healthiest, most authentic and most fulfilled self.

I want to take the very specific practices I’ve learned and pay it forward to others who are: 1) new entrepreneurs, 2) thinking of starting a business, 3) lacking clarity about their goals or 4) are feeling stuck in achieving them. I want to help people feel empowered in their health, career, finances, relationships and overall well-being and take back control over their lives because we ALL deserve that.

Please feel free to “Contact Me” and let’s start talking about how I can best help & support you on your journey, whether through individual coaching, wellness bootcamps, business mentorship or just a conversation. I look forward to hearing from you soon!